
I am glad you chose to visit! My blog is a compilation of the many hats I find myself wearing. On any given day I may be an encourager, an instructor, or just a lady who is venting. You, dear reader, will probably identify with my triumphs and my tribulations! These snapshots fit into my Life Scrapbook I have named A. McInnis Artworks. I hope you will find something worth your while.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

God Is Truly Gracious

"In 1789 George Washington decreed that Thanksgiving Day should officially be kept on 26 November each year. President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it to be an official national holiday in 1863. In 1941 Thanksgiving was fixed on the fourth Thursday in November. "

As a child one of my favorite songs was "Over the River and Through The Woods To Grandmother's House We Go". We'd sing it in "music" class with Mrs. Page playing it on her piano. That is just one of the many memories of Thanksgivings gone by...food, family, good times... I would like to stop for a moment and really give thought to the many things with which we've been blessed.

God is truly good and is deserving of our every praise of thanks. Even when life seems unfair or hard, when we put the good and the bad on a scale, the good far outweighs the not so good. I have more than I deserve or need...I have a friend that when spoken to and asked how he's doing he replies, "Better than I deserve." Can't we all say the same thing?

I hope you have a blessed day and will reflect on the many blessings of life, liberty and happiness that our country affords us. But remember, we have all this only because our Good and Gracious God smiled upon our country. Happy Thanksgiving.

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