It's my blog's first birthday!! In honor of that, I'd like to take a minute and say THANK YOU for putting up with me for a whole year! It took a little leap of faith to jump out there and begin writing...I've never done anything like this least not in such a public way...
But it has been great fun and I've met and learned from some of the nicest people in the world...Bloggers! I had a goal of 200 Followers...why? I don't know, it just sounded like a good round number and even though I haven't quite met that challenge, it's ok...because the ones I do have are loyal and supportive. THANK YOU FOLLOWERS! You can't imagine how heartening it is to work on a post and have somebody read it and comment. I try to comment back through email, but some people have it set so nobody can send a return email...if you haven't heard from me then that's the problem...(set your email so we can's more fun that way!)
2. Back porch makeover
But it has been great fun and I've met and learned from some of the nicest people in the world...Bloggers! I had a goal of 200 Followers...why? I don't know, it just sounded like a good round number and even though I haven't quite met that challenge, it's ok...because the ones I do have are loyal and supportive. THANK YOU FOLLOWERS! You can't imagine how heartening it is to work on a post and have somebody read it and comment. I try to comment back through email, but some people have it set so nobody can send a return email...if you haven't heard from me then that's the problem...(set your email so we can's more fun that way!)
Posts have ranged from coffee filters to back porches...from lipstick woes to getting older... from room makeovers to wedding rehearsals...and there's so much more to say and to do! The posts with the most hits were these:
1. Valentine post
1. Valentine post
2. Back porch makeover
3. From dinged up to blinged up
My favorites were, surprisingly, all humorous!
1. Thanks For the Memories
2. Grandchildren Say The Darndest Things
3. How to Wrestle An Alligator
4. The Whole Enchilada and Chicken Daddy
5. To Laugh With Mother One More Time
2. Grandchildren Say The Darndest Things
3. How to Wrestle An Alligator
4. The Whole Enchilada and Chicken Daddy
5. To Laugh With Mother One More Time
If you see an asterisk * by a post, that's my Humor sign!
You might enjoy browsing through the archives during the beginning months of 2010..I was on a roll with humor for some reason. Life's too hard not to have a sense of humor, I say.
I've even kicked off a new business venture, that of helping people about to sell their homes "declutter" and ready them for a smooth sale...I also LOVE to go into your living space and look at it through fresh eyes and re-purpose what you've already got!! Very little outlay of cash is involved. As I wind down my teaching career, I am launching a new the ripe ole age of 62! What a fun time in my life!
Thank you for being such an integral part of my past year. Your thoughts, comments, prayers and friendship have meant very much to me. I sincerely mean that.
I will be linking to Pink Saturday....come join us...
May your life be rich with friends just like you,

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!
Isn't blogging fun and inspiring and creative and addictive?!
Thanks for sharing your world-keep on enjoying!
Thank you, Lee! You are so's one of the most fun things I've ever done...thanks for being so supportive!
Congrats on your achievement. :D
Congratulations on lots of fun blogging! I really enjoy your blog and hope you have many more years of fun! ♥
Yay for 1 year! Happy blogging birthday! I look forward to reading all your posts, too. Happy future blogging...
Happy first blogging birthday, Angela!
What a great little business helping others see their space in a new light. Way to go!!!
Have a lovely day!!
xo Tami
Happy 1st blog birthday.
I wish you great success in your new adventure. You'll be good at that like you are with everything else you do.
Happy birthday - here's to many more :)
P.S. That card is adorable!
HAPPY 1ST BLOG BIRTHDAY!! The vintage card is adorable! Hope you have a fun pink weekend!
Happy 1st Birthday Angela!
I have enjoyed your blog often!
Mrs. Mcinnis (I will always call you that, as it is an honor to know you), You taught me at Hillcrest in 7th grade science, and you have always been one of the best and most memorable teachers I ever had. I took more away from your class than mere science, many, many personal life lessons, and an appreciation for all the little things around us. You once brought some old quilts that one of your (I think) family members had hand made, and they would be the most beautiful pieces, with one small spot or blip you might say of the most opposing fabric, that did not match, yet you explained "nothing is perfect, we shouldnt try to be", I have taken this with me all through life, in all my art, all my creations and antique refinishing, I always leave one little "blip" or spot, because nothing is perfect and I hope to have someone ask and teach them the same story, I came across your blog and have loved your posts, still an amazing woman! Just know that you inspired the creativity in me and I admire every little creation you show on here and every little piece you deem worthy of rescuing, and giving a new home! Thank you Mrs. McInnis and happy birthday to your blog! -Amy Turner
HAPPY BLOGDAY!! My hubster always knows when I am in your blog because of my giggles and intent interest. I have to read every word you write, not so with most other blogs. I enjoy every one of your posts. Keep 'em coming. Jan
hooray for you, angela!!
thanks for all the laughs and inspiration.
keep 'em comin'!
i love your blog and i love you. xo
Congrats and happy birthday. I enjoy your site. So happy you share with us.
Congratulations on your 1st year of blogging! I hope it will be as rewarding for you as it has been for us. You meet the nicest people! I look forward to getting to know you better. Have a nice day! Twyla
happy bloggy Birthday! It has been a great fit for you!!
It's funny now that I blog...I see so much from a different "I can do that!" or "hmmm...wonder how I could transform that?" or "I could blog about that!"
You've done a terrific job of incorporating life into a fun blog.
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