Well, the husband "heatedly" pointed out all car parts related to the lighting system this A.M. (See yesterday's post for info.) He said it was ridiculous that I had no idea, after 4 years driving the same car, where the light switch resides ...oh, well, on to Tips for Saturday.
We cooked out today, had all the family over. Pictured is my "adult" table, children were at a smaller table in the living room. These "gatherings" just wear me slap out. Had to take a 2 1/2 hour nap...Good to have family together, but trying to meet all food preferences isn't easy. I sort of took a "little side track" on my diet, but actually did fairly well. Also made the Turtle Trifle I posted several weeks ago. (See link below to get that delicious recipe!) I used low fat brownie mix and Cool Whip Free. Pictures of all above.
Today I made "Comeback" sauce for the first time. I've eaten it, but never actually made it myself. Listening to co-workers talk about it this week sparked my desire to try it solo.
Crescent City Grill Comeback Sauce
2 c. mayonnaise
1 c. ketchup
1 c. chili sauce
1 c. cottonseed oil (used Wesson)
1 lg. onion, diced
1/3 c. lemon juice , freshly squeezed
4 T. garlic, minced
2 T. paprika
2 T. water
2 T.Worcestershire
1 T. pepper
2 tsp. dry mustard
2 tsp. salt
Puree all ingredients in blender or processor. Allow to sit overnight in refrigerator.
*I searched in vain for my friend, Beth's "Comeback" recipe. I've had it almost 40 yrs and could not locate it. This threw a monkey wrench into my plans. Found the above online. It was good but not as good as I know hers. Please, send me yours, Beth!!
Also, have you tried the Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rounds? 100 calories per roll. Nabisco Wheat Thins Flatbread (Tuscan Herb) are also great. 2 long crackers = 60 calories.
I know it's too early to announce but I have lost several ounces...yahooo!
Thank you very much, Cindy. I enjoy most of the things I do, but I am like the old saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none." I just kind of dabble in a lot of stuff..really not particularly great in any of them. Just having fun!
Did you make Mama's homeade mayonaise recipe yet? You will remember it from our childhood, eating it at my house, the minute you taste it. It is truly delicious and a little piece of heaven on earth!!
I am making the mayonnaise this weekend, but I better not get salmonella!!
You will not get salmonella!! The lemon juice cooks the eggs! Can't wait to try the trifle and for you to try the mayonaise!!
Ok, but if I call from the hospital...you will know why...
YUM!!!! This looks absolutely DELICIOUS! Thanks for linking up to Fun w/ Food Friday @ Paisley Passions. Hope you stop by again soon :)
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