
I am glad you chose to visit! My blog is a compilation of the many hats I find myself wearing. On any given day I may be an encourager, an instructor, or just a lady who is venting. You, dear reader, will probably identify with my triumphs and my tribulations! These snapshots fit into my Life Scrapbook I have named A. McInnis Artworks. I hope you will find something worth your while.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Is HOPE Really?

In the hot, humid summer, we long for the coolness of fall.
In the midst of swirling emotional crises, we long for peace and quiet
and a sense that all will be well.
Just as surely as these leaves will turn scarlet, Christians have a HOPE.
Not a hope as today's world defines hope.
Today's "hope" is a wish for something that we have no real assurance of getting.
Our HOPE is different.
Those who possess this HOPE understand.
Biblical HOPE is "an indication of certainty..a strong and confident expectation."
HOPE isn't "a static passive thing...it is dynamic, active, directive
and life sustaining."
 HOPE is
"a confident expectation,
the sure certainty that what God promised in the Word is true,
has occurred,
and or will in accordance with God's sure Word."
HOPE is a sure anchor.

Don't just hope...instead HOPE.

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