
I am glad you chose to visit! My blog is a compilation of the many hats I find myself wearing. On any given day I may be an encourager, an instructor, or just a lady who is venting. You, dear reader, will probably identify with my triumphs and my tribulations! These snapshots fit into my Life Scrapbook I have named A. McInnis Artworks. I hope you will find something worth your while.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Help! Help! Help!

Oh, YIKES! I've lost all my followers in my sidebar and it has become increasingly difficult for people to post comments! Is this an issue with anyone else? What do we do?

Hope you aren't experiencing this, but if you are, will you let me know? Perhaps by email if you can't comment?

Thank you,


Amanda said...

The followers thingy goes funny for me too sometimes, but always comes back eventually, and I've also had issues leaving comments on some blogs, error 305 or something, hopefully just a glitch which will sort itself out soon, sorry not much help!

grey rose (they/them) said...

yep. the follower box gets wonky sometimes. just let it be. people can still click to follow in the top nav bar! and it's great you have a subscribe/reader tab!

with comments, i can't comment on embedded ones with Google. the pop out box, like you have now, works great!
to comment otherwise, when it takes you to Google to log in, sign out completely and THEN log in(don't check the 'leave me signed in' box), then it should allow you to comment on any format;)

love ya! happy sunday!

Lee said...

I can comment...so sorry these issues are causing you distress! We are still out here reading your blog!

frances said...

I had the same problems till I downloaded Google Chrome and now everthing works just fine. And I love Google Chrome the homepage is awesome I have all my relevent web pages on one page and all my blogs when ever someone posts I get the info right away instead of waiting 24 hrs like on internet explorer. Hope this helps Frances

Ricki Treleaven said...

:D We're ba-aaaack!!! I have had this problem, too.

Sharon @ Crooked Creek Studio said...

This happened to me several times when I had my Blogspot blog. I finally switched to Wordpress, but trying to learn to navigate Wordpress on my own has been challenging. A trade off, but am loving Wordpress as I learn more about it. Hope this clears up for you soon.