Today was one of those absolutely beautiful fall days that you can store for future "not so great" days. I like to do that...really drink in all the beauty and when things get tough, pull out the memory from my memory bank and sit and dwell.
We've all had those days when we just need something to distract our minds from the situations at hand. I took pleasure in walking to the mail box this afternoon, riding down the highway and pulling over to snap a picture of hay bales in a pasture. When I saw the beautiful way the sun played through the trees late this afternoon I knew I had to snap that scene, too. My tip for the week is this: Make memories for yourself (as well as for others.) I am a big proponent of making memories for children and grandchildren, but in the last few years I've started saving in MY memory bank, too. I rethink the good times several times during the hours they are actually taking place. I express my gratefulness to God and then carefully file them away. (I probably need to ask Him to help me remember where I filed them when I really need them.)
We've all had those days when we just need something to distract our minds from the situations at hand. I took pleasure in walking to the mail box this afternoon, riding down the highway and pulling over to snap a picture of hay bales in a pasture. When I saw the beautiful way the sun played through the trees late this afternoon I knew I had to snap that scene, too. My tip for the week is this: Make memories for yourself (as well as for others.) I am a big proponent of making memories for children and grandchildren, but in the last few years I've started saving in MY memory bank, too. I rethink the good times several times during the hours they are actually taking place. I express my gratefulness to God and then carefully file them away. (I probably need to ask Him to help me remember where I filed them when I really need them.)
Make a concerted effort this week to seek good memories and if they are hard to find, then make them yourself...you will be able to use them when the shadows inevitably follow the sunshine.
P.S. Love the Sunshine and Shadows Quilt book and the trees are in my side yard.
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