My mother in law's old green wheel barrow was taking up too much real estate in the garage. Plus, its flat tire made it a behemoth to move when I saw these wooden salad bowls at the thrift store...I had a vision...of a little herb garden. It would be tended by gnomes, with a little help from me. I could have all kinds of herbs for our summer salads! Here go the steps:
Kilz the bowls and spray both inside and out with
gloss paint.
I used Rustoleum 2X RED. |
Handy Hubby cut some oak branches and screwed the
mushroom tops into the branches. I only have
$3 invested in the salad bowls, so if they don't
last for years and years...that's quite ok. |
Up play around with the placement.
(I painted the barrow, Lagoon, also Rustoleum,
and drilled holes in the bottom of the barrow
for drainage. I covered the holes with pottery
shards to help with drainage.)
Dirt and potting soil were then added. |
Make sure you really firm up the dirt around
your mushrooms.
Plantings were mostly Italian type herbs.
I added some flowers and lavender and
an assorted gnomes and a little bird. |
Promptly at 6:30 the next a.m., I, in my pj's
and robe, attached vinyl dots. |
All that's left is to add mulch and a few
pots of flowers around the bottom to
hide that flat tire! |
While on a mushroom roll, I decided to take
a broken planter and an unused birdbath bottom
to make a larger mushroom...someone said
"a fire hydrant!"...haha
This morning promptly at 7:00 a.m. I filled my
coffee cup and went out to survey. The mulch
really looks nice. I would show you how nice
but I am having trouble adding new pictures..
so just take my word for it, it's cute!
Hope you are having a productive, peaceful day!