Pictured above are 40 (yep, you read correctly) forty (!) nice size hot pink and purple candy canes. Total regular price=$40. My 95% off price=$4.00! Yep, that's a savings of $36! That is one flat dime each....oh, I LOVE a good deal. Pictured below the candy canes are 16 glittery mantel thingys. They sold for $5.00 each at Wal Mart. Regular price=$80...my 95% off price=$4 for ALL 16! That is a whopping savings of $76! The picture doesn't show the other three items very well, but there is a heavy square green glass soap dispenser with a rubbed oil bronze top for $1.99, a green box that opens up and will hold paperclips, etc. and a black ribbed memo paper holder with a top that can be personalized. My total price for the whole haul was $18.

I see a little extra bow or ornament added to these sparkly sayings and viola! A cute little happy! I also see a white tree with pink and purple candy canes all over in the future for somebody!!

Now, stage right. Will you please tell me who is the Bargain Finder in this family?! Look at what You Know Who bought for $20!!! Bahahahahhaha!

I thought I had found the best buy of the day....
UNTIL.....I walked into TnT. There was a huge bin of framed prints with a few, let's say, dings here and there. They were kind enough to mark them down to half price. The one I wanted was $50. A little pricey for such a beat up specimen, but I asked for the manager. I wanted to see how my newly acquired negotiating skills would work. He approached, "May I help you?"
"Yes, how much are these poor beat up pictures? This one is marked $50...is that the very best price?" I inquired. "They are so beat up that I'd like to move them out...how about $5?" WHAT DID HE SAY? $5? Is my hearing acting up again? I frantically searched for more while he was there..."What about this one and this?" "Any of them, $5, mam," he patiently pleaded.
OH, HAPPY DAY! One was marked $139.99 and the other two were originally $69.99! I got all 3 for $15. Of course, when I got to the car, Hubster's remark was, "Why would you pay $5 a piece for those beat up things? He should have given all of them to you for $5." Do you see what I mean? He has NO clue.
Anyway, I think it was a very profitable day and I can't wait to show you what I do with all my new little finds....BTW: I hope you all have a Happy New Year's Eve. I'll post tomorrow...Lord willing and if the creek don't rise...old southern saying.