Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hello and happy summer (almost)!
So much has been going on here.
My husband has retired after 42 years of work
and we are adjusting to that.
So many tasks to do that have been set aside until
"One Day"...
One day has finally arrived!

My June 2014 Better Homes and Gardens
magazine arrived last week.
I was so busy that I tossed it into the
"One Day" pile and forgot about it
until today.
On a quick drive out of town to see #1 Little Sister
and family today, I grabbed the mag to read.
May I say that it was the best issue I have read in a great while.
So many beautiful pages...
filled with all sorts of sensible, affordable information.
I have changed my opinion...I used to think of
BH G's as a "granny" magazine...
not any more!

This month was the announcement of the BHG Blogger Award Winners!
They awarded two awards for each was for Readers' Choice
and the other was for Editors' Choice.
I couldn't wait to go through and visit the sites.
Here were a few of my favorites.
(I am a very, very minor league blogger...these gals are Major Leaguers!)
Visit them when you won't be disappointed.
 I really loved some of the colors and furniture choices in this blog.
Good before and after shots.
 This blog's author is funny and while some of her DIY projects are
a little more modern than my traditional tastes, many of you
will love them.
 Anything with the word Nest in it catches my eye.
Great eclectic projects. You will want to browse all night.
Wish I had seen this blog a long while ago. If you like to entertain,
this one is for you!
Try these out and let me know what you think.
Get a copy of the June BH&G!


1 comment:

  1. "A McInnis Artworks" has been included in our Sites To See #387. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

    P.S. Please forgive this notification coming so late. Our internet connection went down before I could send them out very early last Friday morning, and we just got back online a few hours ago.


I love reading your comments! Thanks for taking the time to respond.