Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hark! The Honk of the Duck!!

Guess I should apologize in advance, but I've found when in the retail business,
 you gotta do what you gotta do.
 I suppose you've noticed that the "big box" stores have already got their Christmas items on display
and while I'm not jumping that far out there, I AM putting out our Autumn things in the store.
I have almost Pinterested myself to death...and I found some really neat ways to use Duck Tape. Yes, I know the old gray stuff is Duct Tape, but the new cute stuff is Duck Tape. While Duck didn't have the camo tape I wanted, back in Wal Mart's hunting department, I did find Allen's Camo tape.
Home Depot's website had a tutorial on this duct tape wreath...I added my twist with the raffia, polka dot feathers, burlap and silk flowers and preserved leaves. The little terra cotta quail was a thrift store find.
(I will tell you that the wreath construction may look simple, but it isn't...the tape is very sticky to work with. Plus, the roll is rather pricey.)
This wreath is on sale at the store for $20... a buy, if I must say so myself.
I also found these little vintage wicker ducks below for a thrifty price
and put together the two flower arrangements.
If you have a duck hunter or just want to spruce up a little area in your home for fall,
either of these will do the trick. ($15 each.)
What about the hunter's tiny son? Several pair of camo boots for little ones.
Cute fly swatters for the cabin or coffee table books Wildlife South!
Below you will see my rendition of the ManCave sign...
big ole hunk of wood with painted camo and vinyl letters in brown..
$25.00...make him happy...also hand carved decoy, some
vintage turkeys to the left and a few arrowheads.
I also found two beautifully painted oils of mountains and  one of the ocean
last week. They are 8x10's I think...would look so pretty along side the ducks!
I painted these "girlie" canvases below this a.m....too much macho
and not enough girlie for me!
Also made two door the silk  bittersweet I found!
I can NOT wait for some cool fall weather....drinking coffee on the back porch
will be a pleasure again...changing colors and gentle breezes, mums of every color..
MY time of the year!!

Honk if you love pumpkins,

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