Friday, July 27, 2012

Tray Made From 100 Year Old Wood

I ran into some 100 year old wood from an old farmhouse last week...(really, I was having a work counter built for the shop and I begged for some of the leftover "brace" wood..) What to do? What to do? Birdhouses? For sure...anything else? What about a tray?
So the hubster and I actually tackled this together with very little drama,
except for the handles...
I wanted big iron scrolly type where to be I bought some dinky vintage ones...yuck. We found these at Home Depot...Martha Stewart and VERY reasonably priced...not exactly what I invisioned, but they will do.
 I decoupaged some butterflies on the inset part of the handle and I rather like the look.
The wood is tongue and (in?) groove, it's hefty and a great size for outdoors.
The tray would also be an ideal base for a kitchen or dining vignette.
I carefully sanded the bottom of the wood and polyurethaned the whole thing.
I really like the look and have enough wood left to do a coatrack.
I am using the porcelain pear knobs for the coatrack "hooks"...both will
be at the shop this weekend.
Tray is $22.

1 comment:

  1. don't you just love making something from scraps and having them turn out so beautiful and useful? Great job, Heather


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