Monday, July 23, 2012

* Little Miss Apple Crateness

So my overactive conscience has been carrying around a bucketful of guilt for the past few days...I'm almost over it, but there's still a twinge every now and then. Now that there is some space between "the event" and the present, I'm feeling a little better, really...I'm ok. Let me expound...
Background:  When I was 5, I attended the all-girl kindergarten of Mrs. Walter Doty...I don't know, to this day, Mrs. Doty's first name. Everyone knew her as Mrs. WALTER Doty. Every little girl (and her mother) longed for a much sought after place on the roll of Mrs. Doty.

At the Merry Morning Kindergarten, we spent most of our morning, tap dancing and learning ballet. We sang our anthem, "We're from the Merry Morning Kindergarten. We have a lot of fun in all we do. So if we make mistakes, Oh, won't you pardon? For after all we're very little, too."
AS you can see, I took all of this very much to heart.
I don't remember if I ever learned anything more than the alphabet and how to write my name..but I loved tapping in those shoes. (I still own a pair...)

We had a Christmas Dance program and of course, our graduation Dance program.
Our costumes were rather costly for the 1950's, but everyone paid through the nose and obeyed all the commands of Mrs. Walter Doty...
including our mothers who I think feared and respected her as much as we did.

My graduation tap dance costume was hot pink satin with a white tucked bib front and a black satin bow at the neck with matching hat. The ballet costume was to die for...a beautiful shade a sage green...the tutu was matching green with golden sparkles strewn all over...I'm telling you, I wanted to live in that tutu.
 (Personally, if I had been taller (and thinner) I think I would have made a great ballerina.)

What has all that got to do with the picture above? Bear with me, as this is difficult for me to confess. That little apple crate chair pictured above was built by MR. WALTER DOTY...yep, all little girls had their own red apple crate chair. We sat in the top part and stored our ballet slippers and tap shoes in the bottom. At the appointed time, we'd change shoes, push the chairs under the tables ("very quietly ladies") and tap until our feet were exhausted or our toes were crunched to death.
Fast forward:
My niece, Lauree, let me know that an antique dealer in my hometown, had some of those apple crate chairs. She dutifully purchased one for me and I've had it for years. It doesn't exactly fit in anywhere and I've had it stored forever. One day last month, I decided on a "let's clear some stuff out of the attic" moment to take it to my little shop as a display piece. There Little Miss Crateness sat...and I'd explain her significance to every customer that would stop long enough to be enchanted with this magical story.

Enter "K"....pictured below.
"K" and I  were kindred spirits the moment we met at my shop. We talked and talked and exchanged ideas and I just really liked her a lot. I had to run an errand, so I left the store in the capable hands of my son, and bid farewell to my new friend. When I came back, "K" re-entered the store and approached me with the idea that she couldn't live without the little red apple crate chair...would I consider selling it?
Yep, you guessed it. I did.
 After all, I had known "K" all of an hour and a half....I had this feeling that she would take care of  Miss Apple Crateness. So I let the little chair go...I launched her into the world in the care of "K". sniff.
All I asked is that if she ever lets her go, that she makes sure she goes into capable, loving hands. 
double sniff
 I know some of you have lost all respect for me now that you know what I did...but this young woman is getting ready to be married. She loves "old stuff" like me...she has great visions of the future...she is an artist...she is a happy bride- to -be who loved my little crate. She will be a wonderful caretaker!
Now that the shock has worn off, I am happy I made the decision...I will always have my digital pictures, my scrapbooks filled with kindergarten recital pictures and my memories!! (and my tap shoes)

Have a great life, "K"!


  1. Oh my gosh this brought back such memories of Mrs. Doty.--walking that long walk on the sidewalk to the classroom seemed forever, the cloak room (I only had to go there once for stomping my feet during a presentation of the Three little Pigs), wearing rubber boots on rainy days, beautiful costumes and I was even tall and never became a ballerina but wanted to be one. Thanks for the memories!!!!


  2. Oh my gosh this brought back such memories of Mrs. Doty.--walking that long walk on the sidewalk to the classroom seemed forever, the cloak room (I only had to go there once for stomping my feet during a presentation of the Three little Pigs), wearing rubber boots on rainy days, beautiful costumes and I was even tall and never became a ballerina but wanted to be one. Thanks for the memories!!!!


  3. Hey,Angela,
    I loved this post because it brought back so many memories I have of the Merry Morning Kindergarten. I've never thought about the fact that I never knew Mrs. Doty's first name. I can't wait to ask my mama if she ever did,and I'll bet she says "no"! One thing I didn't remember was this chair. How could I forget that? Oh,well. I haven't come across a graduate yet to this day that cannot sing every word to our "theme song"! Thanks for sharing the memories.
    Betty B.

  4. Hey A!!!
    Awe, I must say, you were such a delight. When I came home I went on and on to my fiance about our meeting. So much so i caught myself for fear of sounding a little obsessed. I hope you aren't too sad about selling your apple crate. I know how hard it can be to give up something that holds so many "merry" memories. Always know the memories that you hold so dear will be cherished and there will be many more memories to come.
    I want you to know your little apple crate is in good hands and at the moment is perched perfectly in a corner of our entry way taking up some much needed space. I have yet to decorate it in a picture worthy way but when I do you will be the first to see it. I will be back to visit, and shop, ;) the next time I'm in the area. I must say it is rare to come across someone that understands you within the first ten minutes of meeting. I am happy to say we have that kind of understanding, kindred spirits indeed. Thanks again,
    <3 "K'


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