Monday, April 23, 2012

Eureka! Perfect Pillows Were Found!

If you remember yesterday's foyer Do-Over, I moved the Duck Egg blue into the living room and I was less than happy with the sofa pillows I found. They looked ok in the store, but once they were situated on the sofa...they were so very terrible! See below! I didn't want to over do the blue, but I needed some touches and everyone knows pillows are the quickest way to add a little pow. But not this kind of pow....ugh.
I began the search anew this morning. First stop, Hancock's. I found wonderful fabric, but when I got home, it was too light. It will find a new life on a small antique child's chair I have by the fireplace. On to HobLob, Ross's, TJ Maxx and finally...Pier One....And Eureka! After much ado, I unearthed the perfect pillows for the couch! I should have started at Pier One, their color selection is much more in keeping with what I needed. See below...every color I needed...rust, red, gold, cream and Duck Egg blue!
Below is the before...(before the new blue hombre stripe..what was I thinking?)
Too heavy for summer...or any time really. After is below.

Just enough of the blue to highlight the foyer...I added a few other touches and I am satisfied. (Except for the blue throw I need and the rug at the front door and...well, ok, maybe I'm not quite finished.)

I wanted to add one other little tip...#1 Grandson and I love our morning coffee...we've been coffee buddies for years and I enjoy making it and doctoring it up a little. But that means we have coffee supplies all over the kitchen. About a month ago, I said, "Enough"...and brought my painted breadbox out of hiding. My friend, Bonnie, painted it years ago and I stored it when I did some rearranging in my kitchen. Out it came...
...and up on the counter, filled with our coffee stuff!
Now, it's much more pleasurable to make coffee every morning...everything's right at arm's reach!


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