Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Book Bundles at the Shop!

In the December 2011 edition of Southern Living magazine, there was an article about a lady who collected only red books...this grabbed my eye immediately and the wheels began turning.

(I hope I'm not doing anything wrong by showing a tiny part of the page)...please, get the Southern Living Dec. mag and read this article. It's a lovely writeup about a collection that has never occurred to me. I love red and I love the look of the all red book collection. I began looking at my own books and discovered that I have some really pretty books. Not just red books, mind you, but turquoise, blue and greens also!
I had purchased a small two tier antique table from myself ( Dwellings) and I decided to do a little arranging of a red vignette featuring my books, paperweights and a piece of McCarty pottery.

Then I had an idea! Why not take the labor out of the project for my customers and sell bundles of color coordinated books for decorating purposes? Wha...La...the Book Bundle was born!

Here are two examples...the red and blue bundles. Four nicely sized vintage books bundled and ready for use for $5. I did the legwork and the coordinating...all you have to do is purchase them and use them as you see fit.

Three book black bundle is $4.

The green bundle is lovely with an assortment of green shades.

Some books can be purchased individually like these blues.

Or these with the pretty spines and fronts and backs!
I enjoy the hunt, but you may not have the time or the inclination...if not, I've done it for you!
Before I sign out...look what arrived in the shop today!

OLD red ladder...

it won't stay long and I love it so! I might have to interview potential ladder owners for this one. It MUST go to a good home!

Hope you can see the value in my latest nutty project,

1 comment:

  1. Nice idea! Did you get my email? Hope I sent it to the right address....Paige Tirone


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