Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Not Exactly My Vision...YET

Ok, I admit it...I'm overwhelmed. When I turned the key to our new store this afternoon, I almost fainted. It was such a mess...things everywhere, I didn't know where to start. My vision was to come into a business with a blank slate and make it ours. When we decided to buy out the present owner (and in the process, inherit all his stock), we immediately owned HIS vision.

Now, for the next few weeks, we have to weed through and do all I wanted to do (paint, clean, restyle) with all this "stock" underfoot. HOWEVER, I will say...there is a very fun part of owning all this good stuff...a wonderful old hutch, lots of newer hutches, metal 1950's tables, vintage kitchen gadgets, bottles, "man style collectibles" and so much other "stuff". I can't believe it's all ours!

My son keeps saying, "Don't get "married" to anything, Mom." But that is really hard to do. I already have found myself loving the pink plastic canister set and pink Sunbeam hand mixer. The crocks and bowls are wonderful! Several beautiful large mirrors are heavy and substantial and will be wonderful additions positioned throughout the store. I have a massive bank of lower cabinets from an old farmhouse that will eventually be my work station. How can you NOT love what you love?

I so hope that my "dreams" come true...maybe not tomorrow or even next month, but eventually it will be what I've had dancing in my head all these years. It is, indeed, an exciting time in my life. Who knew that I'd start in a new direction at this age? Most people are winding it down and I'm ramping it up. (As you have already surmised,I have always done things backwards!)Keep us in your thoughts, I'll keep you posted on our progress!

May the best days of your life be ahead,


  1. I can't wait to see pictures of what you're describing. You'll be fabulous at this. I'm with you - let's not wind down just yet!

    I'll come see your wonderful new shop the next time I get "home" to MS.

    Until then - PICTURES! And blessings for this most exciting new adventure.

  2. How exciting, but a lot of work ahead.I will have to come visit when you are done, I know it will look great.

  3. I'm so excited about this. Are you retired from your teaching position now? I want to come to your new business as soon as you open it, and I'm going to bring all of my friends.

  4. praying for your awesome future as it unfolds!! woohoo!


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