Thursday, August 11, 2011

Woven File Folder Re-Do & Blown Out Knee

Not that anybody wants to hear my troubles...HOWEVER...went back to the knee doctor today...another aspiration and cortisone shot...YIKES! I am determined to walk with a Southern Belle gait once again...limping and worse, walking with a cane, is NOT my style! The cane has a claw foot and looks like something Darth Vader would use. I tried to find a more colorful one, and don't say "Mod Podge" it, I tried. You can't because you can't move the adjustment bar. Drats!

Limped into HobLob for a 15 minute visit..that's all I could stand...but picked up ribbon and paper for my project above. Now this was quite a nice little $3.99 basket from Ross, but somehow it wasn't calling my name.

Found this cute paper and grosgrain ribbon. Perfect! Now, home for a recovery nap and I'll be good as new...well, not exactly, but close enough.

I wove the ribbon through, added a bow and WhaLa! Cutest file in town. I also covered the file folders with the polka dot paper. I know, I know...who cares if you have polka dot files? Ummm, me, that's who.

BTW: Did I tell you that I had to park at the bottom of a mammoth hill at the dr's office today? It was raining...I knew I couldn't traverse the hill in "my condition", so I stood there under my trendy lime green umbrella and waved until the golf cart man, er escort service, came and picked me up.
As we were riding, the rain and wind were hitting me square in the face and I had really sprayed my hair so it wouldn't get all messed up during the knee you know what rain+wind+lots of hair spray equals, don't you? Let me put it like this, a bug hit my hair and fell dead in its tracks. I looked quite lovely when my name was called in front of at least 100 people in the waiting room. I tried to straighten up and not limp, but alas, it was for naught.

May your knees be strong for a very long time,


  1. Angela, I am so sorry about your knee. You have to be careful with hairspray + Southern humidity anyway, so I can imagine what your hair looked like! Your file basket is too, too cute...LOVE IT!!!

    Ricki Jill

  2. praying for your knee xoxo

    love the basket!!

  3. Oh, Angela. I sympathize with you & your kneww, truly I do. It isn't any fun & mine are bad also.

    Glad you survived the Dr. office visit day ... stay safe & heal quickly.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~


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