Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vintage Spoon & Frame Make Over

This is a fun little project for a small area that needs a quick "pick me up"! No telling how many frames I have in my attic!! Seriously....I have got to do something with them. So as I was pondering this situation, I remembered the silverplate spoons I had collected for another project and the light bulb went on!

I took the backing off about 6 small gold leaf frames...some were Italian and heavily carved. I removed the glass and cut out various sized pieces of vintage sheet music and mat board to fit the frames. I inserted the mat board and the music and secured them into the frame...some needed stapling, some were hot glued and some were Elmer'd in.

Taking an ice pick, I poked two holes through the board and sheet of music (about 1/2 way down the mat) and threaded twine through the holes. Before attaching the spoon, it was cleaned, a muslin tea-dyed bow was attached and a bit of hot glue was used to affix the spoon at the top and bottom of the frame. Then I tied the twine around the spoon to ensure that it wouldn't move! (I hid the twine bow under the muslin, but you could leave it visible.)

Some spoons have a small paper flower attached and some have just a vintage button. A vintage tag with the name of the silver could also be attached.

I love the finished product and think I will carry this idea forward with other combinations of frames and silver pieces...stay tuned!!

FYI: The Magnolia Flea Market where I have a little booth is a series of metal a/c here! So if you want to see all the goodies during this season you MUST: 1. wear cotton (and as little as possible); 2. bring cool water and a hand fan; 3. NOT be "faint of heart"!!

Located on Hwy 49 past Jerry's Fish House on the right in Florence, MS.

Hours: Wed-Sat: 10-5 Sun: 1-5

No admission fee and lots of great stuff.

I am linking to Transformation Thursday...see button on right to join us!

Dwell in possibility,

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