Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Secret Pal Gifts...Ironstone Compotes

Quick post! I'm up at 4:30 a.m....we are having our Secret Pal reveal before school this morning...I wanted you to see my gifts. One is to the person I've gifted this nine weeks and the other is to the person who has gifted me...I never know who to call my Secret Pal, the one who gives me gifts or the one from whom I receive them!

I found two ironstone reproduction compotes last week and loved the fact that they had the places to run ribbon through them. They are both nicely sized and have great "heft".

So I filled this one with yellow Easter grass, one of my crochet bird's nest and egg and added a polka dot flower! Easy and cute!
The second was a little more labor intensive. I tried my hand at Mod Podging plastic eggs...messy and took more time, but fun. First I tea dyed strips of muslin, tore them, ironed them and cut them into small squares before adhering each square.

After drying, I added a muslin ribbon around the egg, twine and off white satin ribbon and a strip of old music as a bow and hot glued on a "floppy flower". I embellished the flowers with old buttons and beads.

I made a larger "floppy" and attached it to to a barrette clip. Then I just attached it to the ribbon so that the flower could be removed and the ribbon could be changed out. I especially loved the creamy yellow dotted ribbon.

I am very "into" sheet music and old book pages for added detail now...it's what the "hubster" refers to as my "really old stuff period"...maybe it's because I'm really old...ha.
I can't think of anything I'd rather do than make something for somebody and see their reaction (especially if it's a good one!!) I know I could buy something, but there is something infinitely more satisfying in creating something, thinking about the person as you make the item and then presenting it to them with all good wishes.

I hope both my "secret pals" like their gifts! I know I certainly enjoyed making the gifts for them!

May all your gifts be well given and well received,


  1. Your secret pal is a lucky duck! I bet she'll love it!

  2. cute projects, angela! secret pals will love 'em! xo

  3. I really love your blog and everything you post! I'm going to put your blog in my list of favs! Thanks! ♥


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