Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cakeballs, Anyone?

Ok, sometimes I find myself ahead of the curve and many times I am behind the times...but cake balls?! I don't know. I kept hearing about them and so I did some research and found that they are trying their best to usurp the cupcake as the "new OLD treat". So I decided to try them myself. Here is my unbiased opinion.

I gathered my ingredients (strawberry everything for "you know who".) He did the shopping and did pretty well considering his penchant for not using a cell phone and buying all types of weird stuff when he's not sure what specific ingredient to purchase. Read here for the Green Bean episode! Notice only TWO types of sprinkles were purchased! Yay!

Bake the cake according to package decorations (or use slices of a bought iced cake). Let the baked cake cool slightly and crumble. I used a 9x13 pan and only used this much of the cake.

I kept this much and iced it because I KNEW "the hub" would thumb his nose at anything called "cake balls" and sure enough his response was, "What's wrong with a slice of cake?" Really?! Do I know him well or what?

Now, put the crumbled cake in a mixing bowl and add about 1/3 of the can of icing and mix with the mixer. That's right, just mix it in with the crumbles. Roll the mixture into balls...size? Beats me...I just made them larger than a Tootsie Pop.

Next, put them on a cookie sheet and freeze them for about 30 minutes or
so. This is a sticky job. 3/4 of the cake makes this many cake balls.
When they come out of the freezer push in a sucker stick (get them at Wal Mart) and dip in melted candy coating.

Make sure you coat right up to the stick. Why you ask? Because everybody said that and so I did it and I think you should, too. Who knows what may happen if you don't!

You must dip and sugar with sprinkles one at a time because the coating cools quickly when it comes in contact with the frozen cake. You can see that my blue sprinkles didn't adhere well because I took too long dipping. Let the sprinkled concoction harden on the cookie sheet.

Next, you will have to figure out how to "present" them...on a cake plate?

In a candletree? I don't you'd have to reach in and pull them headfirst out of the cup. Sort of messy, if you ask me.

Then I got fed up with all the dipping and sprinkling, so I decided to add a little melted coating on top and be done with it...sounds good in theory, but when they begin thawing they become very sticky and messy. (They also look a little like meatballs...ugh.

Sometimes when I try new stuff like "cakeballs", I wonder "Why on earth did I try that?" and then I remember that Edison made tons of errors before he finally hit it right with the light bulb and Bell with the telephone. (Not that my cakeballs will lead to anything earth shattering like world peace or lower gasoline prices!) I've decided to stick with the original intent of cake and make it, ice it and yes, like "you know who", eat it in slices!!

May all your cakes be iced properly,


  1. Ha. yeah, I haven't tried them but never quite saw the point. Glad you tried it for me so I don't have to. ;) Yours did look yummy though, whether in "cake" OR "cakeball" form.

  2. I just read a recipe for those last week. Glad I read your post before I tried them! I can see where they would be very messy when thawed. Thanks for sharing the good and the bad.

  3. The concept was a cupcake on a stick, but in my ever so humble opinion, it was too sweet and a lot of trouble!

  4. Thanks for posting this because I have heard a lot of buzz about it. Your display is cute, but I think I'll pass due to your post!

  5. Thanks for going thru the process, so now I know I will not even go there:) Sounded like a cute idea, now I know it is just an idea.

    Have a great week my MMK friend.

    Susanne Allen Thomas

  6. I had much rather read how someone's effort turned out than do it myself and regret it. Thanks for trying it. I think I will pass myself.

  7. i am super impressed that you tried them-excellent for a first try too! you have inspired me to give it a go(finally!)


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