Sunday, March 25, 2012

Speckled Trout or Spring Carrot?

The wife of one of my friends at school is expecting a little one and has chosen owls as the nursery decor theme. This is a mixed media canvas I recently painted for them.

I know that some of you may be perplexed with the concept of mixed media. If you will look closely, you will see that the background and the tree and its branches are painted with acrylic paint.

I also added shadows with acrylic paint. The owls and leaves are made from scrapbook paper. I enjoy sketching off designs and finding papers that lend themselves to the designs. I have always loved cutting out paper shapes and these little owls were lots of fun to sketch and cut. (Father is orange; mother is green and baby has a combination of parents' colors.)

My friend, Martha Ray (from Grenada, MS fame) and the subject of several of my blogs, and I would sit at her breakfast table for hours and draw outfits for paper dolls. So this isn't something particularly new to me. I am more of a realist in my painting and anything whimsical (don't like that word..too overused)...gets me out of my comfort zone (also overused). But the owls were a pleasure to do for two young super nice parents to be!

Last thing...I labored on a spring carrot made of brown paper for my front door. As the Coach was walking by and saw it, he remarked, "Why is there a fish on the door?" I moved it to the back door. Yikes...some people just don't get me and my "whimsical side"

Hippity hoppity, Easter's on its way,

Friday, March 23, 2012

Self Checkout at Wal Mart

So I almost had a meltdown in Wal Mart this morning...what in the world?!

I was returning some shorts that were too big..for Ryan, not me and before I knew what was happening, tears welled up.

I keep looking around every where I go and thinking to myself,

"In a few weeks, my life as I've known it for over 30 years is coming to a close."

Retirement should be a happy time...

new roads to travel, spare time to fill and new canvases to paint.

Why the long face?

It happened at the Self Checkout.

This is pitiful to admit, but I have never (and I mean that seriously) had time, when shopping in Wal Mart, to learn how to operate the Self Checkout. This morning, I did. It was early and there were no shoppers in sight...the only checkout I was close to was the Self one and the lady wouldn't take me except I do it myself. At first, I was ticked off, but then she came by my side and helped me step by step. She was so nice and told me they were getting more self check outs...she said, "Guess they won't need to hire so many of us then."

For some reason that just hurt me for her.

Tears welled and I had no idea how to answer that and I stupidly said, "Thank you for helping me. This is like pumping gasoline for the first time."

She replied, "It IS, isn't it? Well, you have a good day now,ok?"
I wondered if she would have one...a good day, a good life, I mean.

Life moves on, doesn't it?

Self Checkout is just one more thing to add to the "I learned to do this today" column. Retirement will be the same, I suppose. One more thing I learned to handle. Don't get me's what I truly want and need to do, but it, like pumping your first tank of gas, is a little unsettling. My friend, Emily, said it will take me 3-4 months not to feel tired anymore. And my friend, Libby said it would take me longer than that not to always "feel" like I should be doing something.

What a feeling...I DON'T HAVE TO BE SOMEWHERE OR BE DOING SOMETHING I'VE BEEN ASSIGNED TO DO! That seems,well, just sort of unnatural. Can I adjust?

All bets are off...I hope so.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I Was Never Good At Treading Water

Did you think I'd died? I haven't.
Did you think I'd moved away? Nope.
Did you think, "Something's happened?" It has.

Remember how I always put the Emily Dickinson quote, "Dwell in possibility" in all my headers? Well, I quit dwelling and launched. Launched a new business, Dwellings, (but kept teaching), launched a new Etsy Shop (amcinnisartworks), tried to keep being a decent wife, grandmother and friend (have done my best), and tried to live with knee pain 24/7 (not doing so well here).

Lots of water has flowed under the bridge since I last posted. I must confess that it's been a lot like trying to keep my head above water through a tidal wave. I've overloaded and it's showing up in all sorts of disagreeable ways.

People kept urging me to post a blog...they wanted to see what I was doing and read something funny...but honestly, nothing has been too mirthful these past 5 months and the little things I'm trying to do haven't been especially great.

This week is Spring Break and the dogwoods are in full bloom. All the normal spring flowers jumped the gun and bloomed two weeks or so ago. And I am sitting here treading water, trying to get my life back into some semblance of order. I need some "art" time. I need some rest. And I need encouragement. Trying to make my mind up if "dwelling" is indeed better than actually "launching".

See you soon,